Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kids' Obesity May Lead to Epidemic of Adult Diabetes (HealthDay)

HealthDay - TUESDAY, July 8 (HealthDay News) -- The current childhood obesityepidemic in the United States may lead to large numbers of young adultsdeveloping type 2 diabetes in the future, along with seriousdiabetes-related health complications, warns a University of Michiganresearcher.

Consume fish oils to feel happier and more active. Think I am joking? Well I am not. Fish oils are a rich source of Omega 3 that help in treating depression and emotional disorders. There is enough scientific evidence that supports the fact that Omega 3 can help depression patients feel better.

It was observed that the rate of depression and mental disorder was higher amongst the Western population and very low in countries such as Japan and Korea. A series of researches revealed the reason behind this was the diet patterns of these countries.

Countries where fish consumption is high, depression rate is lower as compared to the Western countries who mainly feed on processed foods. Fish are a rich source of EPA and DHA fatty acids.

Let us first familiarize ourselves with Omega 3 fatty acids before discussing how does omega 3 help treat depression.
Omega 3 fatty acids also known as Essential fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats. These consist of Eicosapentaenoic acid, Docosahexaenoic acid and Alpha-linolenic acid.

While all of these are crucial for our body's functioning, they cannot be synthesized by our body. We need to depend on our diet and omega 3 supplements to obtain them.
Fish oils are a rich source of both EPA and DHA fats. DHA is known as the building block of our brain and is the main component of nerve cells. EPA is responsible for increasing the fluidity of cell membranes and improving nerve communications.

Now we know why fish oil is called 'brain food'. Lack of either DHA or EPA can result in various mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, memory loss, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and sleeping disorders.
Doctors believe there are many ways in which omega 3 can help treat depression.

Proper intake of essential fatty acids strengthens the cell membranes and improves brain functioning. Fatty acids help in better blood circulation which can help in alleviating mood swings.

Most of the antidepressants raise the serotonin level in our body. Serotonin is a chemical substance that helps in communication between brain cells. Omega 3 fatty acids also increase the secretion of serotonin.
Omega 3 supplements act as good anti-depressants. Pregnant women who consume fish oil regularly have very low chances of going through post-partum depression and other complications.

Regular consumption of pure fish oil might seem to be an end of all the troubles. The keyword here is 'pure'. Quality is important and not all fish oils are created equal. You need to choose fish oils that have a high DHA and EPA content.

One of the superior brands of fish oil is the one extracted from Hoki fish. Hoki fish is a cold-water species found in the pristine waters of Southern ocean near New Zealand. Hoki fish is known to have naturally high DHA and EPA levels.
Coming from the clear waters of New Zealand, this fish oil is free of toxins. However, fish oils need to be molecularly distilled to remove every bit of toxins and ensure 100% purity.

Micheal Thomas is an editor for a series of health related websites. Learn about the best fish oil capsules that we ourselves use daily after extensive product comparisons and research over at http://www.omega-3-fish-benefits.com

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