Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Than Temperature Puts Elderly at Risk in Heat (HealthDay)

HealthDay - SUNDAY, Aug. 10 (HealthDay News) -- Because aging affects thebody's ability to respond to summer heat, older adults are particularly atrisk for heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke, heat fatigue, heatcramps buy bcaa heat exhaustion, according to the U.S. National Institute onAging (NIA).

There is a popular misconception that all fats are bad and will either make us overweight or will clog our arteries and cause heart attacks. It is true that our diets should not supply more than 30% of our calories as fat but there are certain fats that we do need for good health they are known as Essential Fatty Acids, which are divided into two categories, Omega-3 and Omega-6. These need to be supplied by the diet as the body cannot manufacture them and are as important in our diet as proteins, vitamins and minerals are. If we obtain insufficient amounts of essential fatty acids in our diets then our cells will deteriorate. Omega 3 and omega 6 are just two of the fifty or so essential nutrients, which the body cannot make and must get from food. It is estimated that more than 90% of the British public are deficient in essential fatty acids, especially Omega 3.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 strengthen cell membranes making them more flexible which is important in the structure of the brain and cardiovascular system. They attract cholesterol out of the blood and into the cell wall. This action maintains both strength and flexibility enabling the red blood cells to re-shape, allowing delivery of oxygen to the extremities.

However, Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids easily become "rancid" and therefore they are often removed from food during processing to prolong shelf life. Foods which we thought naturally contained Omega 3 and 6 may have actually had them removed. This adds yet another reason to avoid highly processed food.

Luckly todays diet already supplies us with a great deal of Omega-6 due to the increased use of polyunsaturated fats in vegetable oils. A supplement with higher levels of Omega 3 is still required though

Flaxseed (linseed) oil, walnuts, green leafy vegetables and in oily fish such as herring, mackerel, sardines and salmon are all rich in Omega 3 which also provides a source of Omega 9 Fatty Acids but this is not considered to be essential because it can be manufactured by the body. Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids can be found in nuts, seeds and their oils such as sunflower oil and olive oil.

Functions of Essential Fatty Acids Include the following...

  • Help make joint lubricants
  • Help transport cholesterol
  • Help prevent the development of allergies
  • Keep hormone purchase deanol bitartrate glands active
  • Regulate oxygen use, and energy production
  • They are components of nerve cells

Signs of deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids include the following...

  • Eczema type natural carnitine eruptions
  • Hair loss
  • Liver degeneration
  • Behavioral disturbances
  • Difficulty in losing weight
  • High blood pressure
  • Weakness
  • Impaired vision
  • Tingling sensations in arms and legs
  • Depression


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