Thursday, July 10, 2008

People with HIV living longer, study shows (Reuters)

A note (L) is placed under a candle during an AIDS International Candlelight Memorial in Belgrade May 18, 2008. (Marko Djurica/Reuters)Reuters - People with HIV in the developed world are no more likely to die in the first five years following infection than men and women in the general population, British researchers said on Tuesday.

Nutrition, while not proven to have an effect on prostate health, does appear to have an influence on the rate pure l-tyrosine benefits dosages cancer growth and spread as well as the theory that most prostate cancer is preventable by changes in diet, fitness and lifestyle. Centering around two basic principals, prostate health is promoted by some foods while others either promote or speed up prostate cancer. Prostate health then is including foods that interfere with the growth and development of prostate cancer cells.

Prostate health is much higher in Asian men in their native countries based entirely on the fact that their diet promotes health and lowers the incidence of prostate cancer. When it does occur in Asian men, it is much less aggressive. While this is true of Asian men in Southeast Asia, the incidence of prostate health lowers in this same group when they migrate to the United States and with a single generation, these same Asian males are subject to the same levels of prostate cancer.

Fat Consumption Levels Factor Into Prostate Health

Prostate health is directly tied to the consumption of fat and is proportionally associated with increased risk of prostate cancer. High consumption of fat also leads to obesity and this excess body fat in turn increases the risk of prostate cancer. An intake of specific types of fat is also related to the increased risk of prostate cancer including saturated fat which is found in red meats and bakery items. In addition, dietary fats also increase the aggressiveness of prostate tumors. Fats in men are more than just added calories that lead to states of being overweight; they are also chemicals affecting normal cells that can lead to prostate cancer.

Fats that may "feed" cancer cells and therefore should be limited in one's diet include saturated fats, milk fats, partially hydrogenated fats, tropical oils, and substances rich in linoleic acid such as corn and safflower oil. Fats which are neutral OR inhibitory of cancer cells include polyunsaturated oils, monounsaturated oils (olive and rapeseed) and oils high in linolenic acid (soybean, linseed, fish, flax seed). By lowering ones overall total intake of fat and increasing the proportion of "good" to "bad" fat, studies have shown that testosterone levels in the prostate can be reduced, thereby also reducing some of the driving forces behind prostate cancer.

Lets Talk Soy

The differences in soy consumption between Western and Asian countries may in part play a dramatic role in prostate health and reduction of cancer risks between the two societies. Many cancers are lower including breast and colon cancer thought to be in direct correlation with the consumption of soy and may go a long way towards promoting prostate health in men. Soy is chock full of isoflavones thought to interfere in the production of prostate cancer cells.

Isoflavones have shown in preliminary results to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells by thwarting the blood supply of rapidly growing prostate tumors. In tests with mice, when fed high amounts of isoflavenes during tests where they injected cancerous prostate cells, they did not develop cancer.

In comparison, the control group that hadnt consumed increased dosages of isoflavones developed cancer under this model showing that the simple addition of soy to the diet Isoflavones have been shown in laboratory experiments to halt the growth of prostate cancer cells and choke off the blood supply of rapidly growing prostate tumors. Mice fed diets high in isoflavones and then injected with prostate cells do not develop cancer while their counterparts consuming a regular diet will develop prostate cancer in this model.

For your complete prostate health.