Monday, August 4, 2008

Alzheimer's Research Holds Promise ( - In a field of inquiry that has yielded much disappointment, scientists studying Alzheimer's disease announce some hopeful news

Lowering your cholesterol can be difficult because gamma aminobutyric acid do not always know what you should and should not eat. You may think youre eating the right thing, but it may contain hidden cholesterol in the form of palm or coconut oils. However, there are foods that you can eat that will lower your cholesterol.

Are you one of the people that cringe whenever someone suggests that they eat tofu? The goods news is that tofu recipes buy bulk l-cysteine hydrochloride significantly improved since the 1970s. Soy is one of the foods that have man health benefits, including the ability to lower cholesterol. You do not need to just eat tofu. Excellent sources of soy include textured vegetable proteins, soy milk, and soy cheese.

Garlic is another food that can help lower elevated cholesterol levels. If you love Italian food, this is very easy for you. Fresh garlic can be added to almost all types of cuisine. It is especially easy to add to soups, stews, and vegetables. If you do not like that taste of garlic, you can take a garlic supplement. These supplements are widely available in buy pure l glutamine dosages reviews and grocery stores.

Many meats are very high in saturated fats. For that reason, many doctors and nutritionists are recommending that their patients eat more vegetarian meals per week. This is becoming a very popular trend. As a result, there are more and more delicious vegetarian recipes available. Be aware, however, that you should avoid meals that include fried vegetables including tempura and the traditional preparation for eggplant parmesan.

Weve all seen those commercials that encourage people to eat oatmeal because it lowers cholesterol. This is true. Increasing the amount of soluble fiber in your diet will significantly lower your cholesterol levels. Good sources of soluble fiber include oats, barley, flaxseed, sweet potatoes, apples, and carrots. If you do not care for these foods, you can also add fiber powder to your daily coffee or tea. This is a painless way to add more soluble fiber to your diet.

Drinking apple juice every day can also help to lower elevated cholesterol levels. Apple juice contains a high level of phenols. These phenols prevent the oxidation of LDL, meaning that the LDL will not be able to attach to the blood vessels. Instead, they will pass through the excretory system.

Changing you diet can be difficult, but the added benefits to your health will be well worth any sacrifice you make. You can even ask your doctor to refer you to a nutritionist in order to incorporate more healthy changes to your diet.

Do you suffer from high cholesterol? Do you want to take control of this condition with proven techniques that work? If so, please visit We will teach you how to reduce your cholesterol with diet and holistic/traditional medical treatments.

Bill Clinton praises France in fight against AIDS (AFP)

Former US president Bill Clinton speaks at the Mobile Treatment Centre (CTA) in Dakar. Clinton wound up a four-nation Africa tour aimed at combating HIV/AIDS in Dakar on Sunday, praising France for its financial support through the agency Unitaid.(AFP/Seyllou)AFP - Former US president Bill Clinton wound up a four-nation Africa tour aimed at combating HIV/AIDS in Dakar on Sunday, praising France for its financial support through the agency Unitaid.

Walk down the supplement aisle at most health food stores, pharmacies and, increasingly, supermarkets, and it is almost impossible not to feel overwhelmed by the dozens - sometimes hundreds - of brands and combinations. Should you select a multivitamin/mineral combination or a dozen bottles of single-nutrient supplements or a multi plus a few additional singles? Should you buy natural supplements or synthetic? Regular or timed-release? A store brand or a national brand? Tablets or capsules?

If so, how much more? Energy formula? Stress formula? Women's formula or men's? It is such a hassle, there are so many brands and so many combinations. The choices are confusing, and few consumers know much about what they are buying. As a result, they often spend much more than necessary for supplements that may not meet their needs. Fortunately, you can take supplements without getting taken. Here is what I can advise.

1. Look For An Expiration Date

An expiration date is no guarantee of freshness, but it suggests that the packager understands that vitamins have a finite shell life. Steer clear of supplements within six to nine months of their expiration dates. They have probably been in the bottle for several years and may be past their prime.

2. Keep Supplements Away From Children

This is especially true for iron, often taken to treat iron-deficiency anemia or curcumin tumeric supplement loss from heavy menstrual flow. Although - iron and supplements in general - are safe for most adults at the optimal daily requirement, it takes only a few tablets of a high-potency iron supplement to kill a child. An estimated 5,000 children buy chlorella toxic doses of iron supplements every year; a few die. In the typical case, an adult carelessly leaves iron supplements on a bathroom or kitchen counter. Don't do this.

3. Don't Get Taken In By Hype

Want more energy? Stress management? Sexual ecstasy? Longevity? Immune enhancement? Freedom from illness? Some supplement labels promise their products can do everything except raise the dead - and maybe that too, if you take enough. Biochemically, vitamins and minerals play important roles in virtually every body system and process. So yes, they are involved in energy production, stress reactions, sexual enjoyment and everything else. But by themselves, supplements do not eliminate fatigue, alleviate stress or make you a great lover. Some supplements can help prevent and treat specific conditions, but brands that claim to keep you young, beautiful, energetic, mellow and sexy offer more hype than hope.

4. Think Food First

Supplements absolutely, positively do not replace food, and they cannot undo the damage caused by a bulk niacin usp dosage overdose side effects poor diet. Before you buy supplements, fill your shopping cart with fresh fruits and vegetables - and eat them. Buy organic produce if you like. But the data clearly show that any fresh fruits and vegetables help prevent cancer. Get your five servings a day, and then take your supplements as extra added wellness insurance.

5. Look For Beta-carotene Instead Of Vitamin A

The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, so for all practical purposes, they are the same thing. However, long-term use of vitamin A at doses above 50,000 international units a day may cause problems. Beta-carotene is non-toxic even at high doses, so stick to that. Beware of labels that say vitamin A with beta-carotene. If the label does not specify, you can't be sure how much of each you are getting.

6. Supplement Your Insurance Formula

Insurance formulas have breadth but possibly not enough depth for your personal needs. If you have a family history of cancer or heart disease, you may want to take larger doses of antioxidants. In addition, some minerals are simply too bulky to fit into a single pill. The optimal daily requirement for calcium is 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams a day, but it is impossible to get that much from an insurance formula. Magnesium is also too bulky to fit into a single pill. Women of childbearing age should take 400 micrograms of folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects, but insurance formulas may not provide that much.

7. Forget Brand Names

All vitamins are essentially the same. Only about a half-dozen drug companies, such as Hoffman La Roche, actually make vitamins. They supply all the hundreds of companies that sell them. What you are paying for is basically packaging and advertising. Personally, I buy the cheapest vitamins I can find. They are just as good as the expensive brands.

Raymond Lee Geok Seng is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is a writer specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He has spent countless of time and efforts conducting research and share his insightful and powerful secrets to benefit men and women all over the world. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit for more information.